


Jesus said the Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed, or again, like yeast in a loaf of bread.  In the same vein of thought, I believe the Kingdom of God is like the ripples made by pebbles dropped into water.  Every act of love or step in faith is a small stone dropped in the holy pool of life.  The interconnectedness of our lives in Christ is like ripples moving through the sustaining and unifying water of the Holy Spirit.  Of course we all notice the impact of a major event — like the  huge splash and rush of waves when a boulder is dropped into a lake.  But we don’t usually apprehend how a seemingly insignificant act may be like a pebble dropped into the same lake.  Its ripples widen, intersect, and merge with other ripples.  Each pebble dropped into the lake adds to the movement of water toward the shore.  Each of us is called to contribute our pebbles and then, like water, the Holy Spirit carries the blessings onward in an ever widening circle.


In 1974 the Lord gave me the sweet gift of “Alleluia, He Is Coming” and I shared that simple song with a small group of people who then shared it as well.  Others received it, took it up, used their inspired talents to enhance it, and shared it where the Lord led them.  Over the years, I have received letters from many people around the world letting me know about the blessings the song has brought to their lives.  Receiving such letters brings blessings back to me a thousand-fold.  I plan to share some of those letters here, in the hope that you too will be blessed in being reminded of how awesome our God is.